Roman Pattern
Here you can see mosaics of the category Roman Pattern.
For detailed information please click on a picture.
All prices on the overview pages are for shipping inside the European Union.
Pricing for shipping to Germany and worldwide can be found in the details view.

Greek-Roman medallion
GK00350x50cm smoothed 307 €

roman pattern
CK027100x100cm smoothed 914 €

roman pattern
CK017100x100cm smoothed 914 €

Greek-Roman medallion
GK06960x60cm smoothed 396 €

roman pattern
CK015100x100cm smoothed 914 €

roman pattern
CK038100x100cm smoothed 914 €

roman pattern
CK039100x100cm smoothed 914 €

roman pattern
CK048150x150cm smoothed 2046 €

roman pattern
CK019100x100cm smoothed 914 €

roman pattern
CK023150x150cm smoothed 2046 €

roman pattern
CK016100x100cm smoothed 914 €

roman pattern
CK022120x120cm smoothed 1390 €

roman pattern
CK037100x100cm smoothed 914 €

roman pattern
CK041100x100cm smoothed 914 €

roman pattern
CK043150x150cm smoothed 2046 €

roman pattern
CK028100x100cm smoothed 914 €

roman pattern
CK042120x120cm smoothed 1390 €

CK029210x210cm smoothed 3794 €

roman medallion
MK062180cm smoothed 2284 €

roman pattern
CK021100x100cm smoothed 914 €

CR273100x125cm smoothed 1237 €

CK009120x90cm smoothed 1099 €