
Here you can see mosaics of the category Others.
For detailed information please click on a picture.
All prices on the overview pages are for shipping inside the European Union.
Pricing for shipping to Germany and worldwide can be found in the details view.

Mosaic polar bear
polar bear AK003
50x40cm smoothed 267 €
Mosaic dragon Simurgh
dragon Simurgh GK063
80x80cm smoothed 623 €
Mosaic sign of the zodiac scorpio
sign of the zodiac scorpio FK014
75x60cm smoothed 469 €
Mosaic Red Deer
Red Deer AK029
90x90cm smoothed 760 €
Mosaic sign of the zodiac taurus
sign of the zodiac taurus FK020
75x60cm smoothed 469 €
Mosaic sign of the zodiac aries
sign of the zodiac aries FK019
75x60cm smoothed 469 €
Mosaic Gazelle
Gazelle AK042
70cm smoothed 416 €
Mosaic dragon Simurgh
dragon Simurgh MK063
80cm smoothed 512 €
Mosaic Capricorn
Capricorn AK051
60x60cm smoothed 396 €
Mosaic amphibian
amphibian AK035
30x30cm smoothed 178 €
Mosaic Aries
Aries AK050
60x60cm smoothed 396 €
Mosaic Chamois
Chamois AK052
60x60cm smoothed 396 €
Mosaic Medallion
Medallion MD331
140cm smoothed 1471 €
Mosaic polar bear
polar bear AK033
90x40cm smoothed 396 €