Coat of Arms
Here you can see mosaics of the category Coat of Arms.
For detailed information please click on a picture.
All prices on the overview pages are for shipping inside the European Union.
Pricing for shipping to Germany and worldwide can be found in the details view.

Imperial Seal of Japan
ST00550cm smoothed 264 €

Large State Coat of Arms Bavaria
ST003100x60cm smoothed 591 €

State Coat of Arms
ST00445x60cm smoothed 323 €

Quattro Mori Sardinia
ST00170x80cm smoothed 558 €

Small Coat of Arms of Cologne
ST00750x60cm smoothed 348 €

State Coat of Arms Baden-Wuerttemberg
ST002100x55cm smoothed 550 €

Small State Coat of Arms Bavaria
ST00645x60cm smoothed 323 €

Luther Rose
ST00880cm smoothed 512 €