Here you can see mosaics of the category Catering.
For detailed information please click on a picture.
All prices on the overview pages are for shipping inside the European Union.
Pricing for shipping to Germany and worldwide can be found in the details view.

Herakles and Dionysus
FK083240x130cm smoothed 3255 €

A man hunting a boar
FK106140x140cm smoothed 2128 €

LK01085x150cm smoothed 1257 €

Barbara Utz: Still Life
KT002100x120cm smoothed 1390 €

still life
GK08170x50cm smoothed 388 €

GK06880x60cm smoothed 493 €

Cup of Coffee
GK00660x60cm smoothed 396 €

GK07075x50cm smoothed 408 €